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October 16, 2020

Moving Beyond the Basics: Developing Your HVAC Technical Skills

Training to become an HVAC technician requires more than basic knowledge and a desire to learn. To truly succeed in this field, you should focus on sharpening your HVAC technical skillset by developing expertise in key areas such as troubleshooting, electrical knowledge, blueprint reading, preventative maintenance, and customer service. Additionally, staying updated with the latest technology and software will position you to advance beyond basic skills and excel in your HVAC career.

The HVAC Technician Technical Skills Required & How to Get Them

Whether you are still researching what it would be an HVAC technician or you are already in the field but looking to hone your skills, an HVAC training school like NETTTS could help provide you with the training to be more technically savvy in HVAC.

Get Hands-On Experience

Perhaps the best way to develop your HVAC technical skills is to roll up your sleeves and get some hands-on experience. There is a big difference between watching videos online or sitting in a classroom for a lecture versus actually performing the tasks on the machinery yourself. Make sure you try to find a way to get as many hands-on hours as possible for the chance to improve your technical skills. This may mean finding a mentor in the field or doing outside work during your HVAC training.


A well-rounded HVAC technician should have the knowledge and skills to work with a variety of systems of different functions, brands, and types. If you want to improve your technical skills in HVAC, you should make sure to expose yourself to as many of these as possible. While it may be easy to fall into the habit of only working on what you know, you will never expand your knowledge base that way. It’s also good to work on equipment from across many different decades. The technology available today is drastically different than even 10 years ago and so are the mechanical systems they run. A residential HVACR technician who wants broad knowledge of their industry should be familiar with both. Knowing new-age systems like smart thermostats is important, but so is understanding how to repair an older furnace that could be 30 years old.

Additional HVAC Certifications

One recommended way to develop your HVAC technical skills and expand your knowledge of the field is to get additional licenses or certifications. Instead of being limited to what your license allows, you may be able to work on more complex or specialized areas of service. Certifications and license requirements vary from state to state but can include examples such as the North American Technician Excellence (NATE) certification or various EPA certifications. Having these licenses may not only improve your technical knowledge of the HVAC service trade but also help prepare you to work on various projects you may never have even considered before.

Choose the Right HVAC School Near You

Every student is different and learns a little differently. When exploring your options for schools, it is recommended to consider your learning style which may help put yourself in the best position possible to succeed.  Meet with the instructors, talk to the students, and check out reviews online to get a feel for what you can expect when you enroll. Most HVAC schools will help teach you the basics of the industry, so when weighing out the options, consider how much hands-on training you would like to receive versus classroom instruction, and don’t be afraid to ask questions!

At NETTTS, we encourage prospective students to ask as many questions as possible so they are comfortable if they decide to enroll.  We want to see our students succeed. We help prepare you for success in the classroom while you get ready to start your next chapter. With years of experience in career training and the help of industry-experienced instructors, we strive to make our program as relevant as possible to help prepare you to become an HVACR technician. Find out more online or contact us today to learn more about our vocational programs at our North Andover, Massachusetts, and Pawtucket, Rhode Island, campuses.