Title IX at NETTTS
Statement of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex.
Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any education program or activity operated by a recipient (the School) that receives federal financial assistance. As an educational institution subject to Title IX, New England Tractor Trailer Training School (NETTTS) has adopted a Title IX Non-Discrimination Policy & Grievance Procedure. As set forth in detail in the Title IX Policy, NETTTS:
– Does not discriminate on the basis of sex, including in admissions and employment, and is committed to providing an educational and workplace environment that is free from sex discrimination, sex-based harassment, and retaliation;
– Prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in its educational programs and activities, including in admissions and employment, as required by law;
– Is committed to promoting fairness and equity in all aspects its operations; and
– Values and promotes the equal dignity of all community members and is committed to the pursuit of just resolutions with respect the rights of all Parties involved.
The Title IX Policy is adopted to prevent discrimination prohibited under Title IX and provide a prompt, fair, and impartial process to address complaints of alleged sex discrimination.
Inquiries about the Policy or the application of Title IX may be referred to NETTTS’s Title IX Coordinator. Inquiries about the application of Title IX to NETTTS may be referred to the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights.
Contact Information
Bridgeport Campus Title IX Coordinator: Kellie White
Office of the Registrar
Address: 510 Barnum Road, Bridgeport CT 06608
Tel.: (203) 368-9069 Email: kwhite@nettts.com
Web: nettts.com
North Andover Campus Title IX Coordinator: Susan Provencher
Office of the Registrar
Address: 1600 Osgood Street, North Andover, MA 01845
Tel.: (978) 965-2969 Email: sprovencher@nettts.com
Web: nettts.com
Pawtucket Campus Title IX Coordinator: Lois O’Brien
Office of the Registrar
Address: 600 Moshassuck Industrial Highway, Pawtucket, RI 02860
Tel.: (401)725-1220 Email: lobrien@nettts.com
Web: nettts.com
Somers Campus Title IX Coordinator: Jennifer Gilow
Office of the Registrar
Address: 32 Field Road, Somers, CT 06071
Tel.: (860) 749-0711 Email: jgilow@nettts.com
Web: nettts.com
Corporate Title IX Coordinator: Kelly Maikowski
Corporate Compliance Director
Address: 304 Victory Road, Quincy, MA 02171
Tel.: (617) 986-9016 Email: kmaikowski@nettts.com
Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202-1100
Customer Service Hotline #: (800) 421-3481
Facsimile: (202) 453-6012
TDD#: (877) 521-2172 Email: OCR@ed.gov Web: http://www.ed.gov/ocr
Title IX Non-Discrimination Policy & Grievance Procedure
The Title IX Policies currently in effect for each of the NETTTS campuses are available below:
- Bridgeport Campus Title IX Non-Discrimination & Grievance Policy
- North Andover Campus Title IX Non-Discrimination & Grievance Policy
- Pawtucket Campus Title IX Non-Discrimination & Grievance Policy
- Somers Campus Title IX Non-Discrimination & Grievance Policy
Each of these policies includes a description of NETTTS’ grievance procedure for resolving complaints of sex discrimination and sexual harassment, which includes both an informal and formal grievance process.
Notice Regarding 2024 Title IX Policies:
On August 1, 2024, NETTTS adopted new Title IX policies to comply with the 2024 Title IX regulations. The 2024 regulations were vacated nation-wide on January 9, 2025 by a federal district court and are no longer in effect. Per guidance from the U.S. Department of Education, NETTTS will no longer apply the Title IX policies adopted on August 1, 2024 and will address any existing or new complaints of sex discrimination (including sexual harassment) under the Title IX policies (effective August 2020) provided above.
Reports of Sex Discrimination
Any person may report alleged sex discrimination, sexual harassment, or retaliation to the Title IX Coordinator, even if the reporting person is not the alleged victim of such conduct. The Title IX Coordinator will take appropriate action to address a report, including contacting the alleged victim to determine if they would like to file a complaint and to provide information about available supportive measures.
Sex discrimination is different treatment with respect to a person’s employment or participation in an education program or activity based, in whole or in part, upon the person’s sex. Sex discrimination may be committed by any person upon any other person on the basis of sex, including on the basis of sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions. Sex discrimination can also include discrimination by the School on the basis of parental, family, or marital status in its admissions process, in the provision of financial assistance, or in employment actions.
Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination and means conduct on the basis of sex, including quid pro quo harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe and pervasive and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the School’s education program or activity.
Retaliation means intimidation, threats, coercion, or discrimination against any person by the School, a student, or an employee or other person authorized by the School to provide aid, benefit, or service under the School’s education program or activity, for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured by Title IX.
Please see the relevant Title IX Policy for more information about sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and retaliation, as well as NETTTS’ grievance procedure for resolving complaints.